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The 8 Spot Blog
Mezco Wants All of My Money
So Toy Fair 2016 happened last weekend, and while a lot of really cool stuff showed up (I'm looking at you, DC Icons) what really won my...
Deadpool Review
I’ve seen a superhero movie that I felt perfectly captured the true essence of its character just three times in my life. The first was...
Coloring Comics, Ancient Egypt and the Smithsonian
If your a fan of anything sci-fi, comics, fantasy...etc you run into Ancient Egypt. Tons of stories have come from this land of Magic and...
The Hook Up - Date Stories - Sorry I'm Not Pretty Enough.
So a friend of mine, “Lee”, received a text from a girl he had met a few times asking him out. “Lee” was hesitant because he didn’t...
The Hook Up - Date Stories - Small World
Since I started The Hook Up I get into a lot of conversations about bad dates. One time there was a group of about 8 people, some who...
The Networks have let me down again.
We are now in the season where TV shows are canceled. I have a few on that list and once again they are shows that has a lot of fans and...
The Secret Origin of The Mark!
I wanted to write serious comic books. Books that made you feel like there were real people behind the masks. I wanted villains you could...
Who to see at the NYCC 2015
So with the New York Comic Con starting this Thursday Here is a small list of friends of Seciton 8 Comics that are worth a visit. They...
Drawing the Mouth.
Ah, the mouth expressions, sometimes it easy to forget that the mouth does move, I'm guilty of just doing a open mouth in many drawing,...
Choose Your Apocalypse
Saw a Facebook post about the "upcoming" robot apocalypse now that Japan has accepted USA's challenge to a robot fight. It got me...
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