Conversation with Random Facebook "Friend" RFF: What's Up? Wilson: not much, just checking facebook. RFF: awesome thats always fun lol Wilson: LOL yeah, pretty much. RFF: do you work for a comic company? Wilson: something like that, I'm a freelancer so I work for a few places. RFF: aww ok, could you help me out? Say yes! lol Wilson: with what? RFF: pitching my comic Wilson: I mostly handle coloring, Lettering and pre-press, I don't really deal with anyone that would handle that, The clients I do stuff with aren't doing any creator own books. RFF: humm what stuff have you color? WIlson: Thor, Wolverine, Zoom Suit, War of the independence. mostly indy stuff now a days. RFF: ahh ok, would you be down to color for me and help me pitch cant do puppy face smileys Wilson: if you can match my rate, I do this for a living. RFF: how much? Wilson: Just for coloring 85 a page. That's my Indy rate which is about 1/2 what I get from marvel or dc. So 15 minutes later, nothing and then he logs off. Wilson: hey where did you go?
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